Ars Poetica


’I have always been attracted to past era. They have mysteries in store that we might never be able to solve completely. It’s a great mental game to imagine a possible outcome and scenario of a past event. Fantasy takes flight and might land in a story that could have been very real to somebody in the past. These are the stories that I wish to share with my readers. This is what I call “PAST FICTION”.’

Roland Ritter

IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

Out now! The English version of the IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory novel is avaliable on AMAZON. With 18 amazing illustrations, drawn by Kathrin Szőke.

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

EPUB e-book

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory


Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

Paperback with WHITE EDITION cover

IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

The publication can be ordered in print and e-book format through the website at a discounted publishing price!

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

Printed book

ISBN 978-615-00-9196-9

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

ePUB e-book

ISBN 978-615-00-9147-1 

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

Mobi e-book

ISBN 978-615-00-9148-8



BatCave Publising

BatCave Publishing
Plasztik Dzsungel Kft.

7624 Pécs, Angster József u. 39/B.
