Biography of Roland Ritter

Roland Ritter életrajz

Roland Ritter was born in 1975 in Hungary, to an open-minded, progressive family. The predecessors of the author are Hungarian, German, and Slavic, the cosmopolitan relatives live in the United States, Austria, and the Czech Republic.

He studied in Pécs, where he graduated from university with an architect degree. He took part in constructions employed by building contractors and building material manufacturers. With his business partner, he launched his own company, which specializes in the distribution of building materials.

In his free time, he likes fishing, doing sports and travel. His favorite holiday destination is Greece, but he also enjoys visiting Austria.

His first attempts at literature as a teenager was writing short stories and poems. He finished his first novel’s manuscript in 2012. He was encouraged to continue writing by his family. Later, he wrote two more manuscripts which he used to contact publishers. He participated in a literature tender and received positive feedback. In 2020, he launched a Publishing company called BatCave so that his novels can appear in the desired form, platforms and with the desired content.

He lives with his partner in a house by the lake. This is what he calls “BatCave”.

IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

Out now! The English version of the IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory novel is avaliable on AMAZON. With 18 amazing illustrations, drawn by Kathrin Szőke.

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

EPUB e-book

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory


Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

Paperback with WHITE EDITION cover

IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

The publication can be ordered in print and e-book format through the website at a discounted publishing price!

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

Printed book

ISBN 978-615-00-9196-9

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

ePUB e-book

ISBN 978-615-00-9147-1 

Roland Ritter:
IDT – Intelligent dinosaur theory

Mobi e-book

ISBN 978-615-00-9148-8



BatCave Publising

BatCave Publishing
Plasztik Dzsungel Kft.

7624 Pécs, Angster József u. 39/B.
